Derek DeLizo

About Me

Headshot of a person in a collared shirt

Hello my name is Derek DeLizo,

I am an electrical engineer that is transitioning to beocoming a software developer. Currently, I am completing the full stack development bootcamp through UW. Web development has always been a passion of mine since I was young and now, the dream is becoming a reality.


Battle Brands

HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Express | NodeJs | SQL | Git

Deployed Application Source Code
Games for You

HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Git | RAWG API | Board Game Atlas API

Deployed Application Source Code
Code Quiz App

HTML | CSS | JavaScript | Git

Deployed Application Source Code
Team Profile Generator

NodeJs | Javascript | HTML | CSS

Demo Source Code
Three men standing next to each other holding 3d printed parts
Employee Management System

NodeJs | Inquirer | Javascript | Git

Demo Source Code

Contact Me